So sorry for your loss 😞

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May 2Liked by Dani Bruflodt

I am so sorry for your loss, I have snuggled with my fur babies more lately. I am glad you know that you will be okay - but why is the email early this week??? I look forward to reading it on Fridays (did I miss something?).

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Nope my brain just glitched when I finished proofreading it today and hit "send" instead of "schedule" 😊 Thanks for giving your pups some extra love!

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Sorry for your loss, Dani. Losing a fur baby is so devastating 😞

Appreciate you featuring my piece on music discovery. I'm a big fan of your work, so it's really exciting to see the article show up here. I'm going to shoot you a note about collaborating in the future.

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The loss of beloved pets is so real and so hard. I always marvel at how animals love us unconditionally and that loss is so palpable. Thank you for sharing your journeys with Walter. He was clearly loved beyond measure.

Per your recommendation for Secrets of the Octopus (which I need to see!). I'm assuming you've read Remarkably Bright Creatures? It was one of my favorite reads from 2022. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58733693-remarkably-bright-creatures

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I didn’t realize you loved Octopuses. I recently read Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt, which is about a widow’s connection with a giant Pacific Octopus. It’s a beautiful story which talks about grief and maybe it’s too soon, but something you might like in the future. Sending lots of love 🩷

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