These are good ideas. I like the "dumb" phone with the first screen mostly blank. It helped me to group the apps by type. It has also definitely helped me to turn off all notifications other than the most important such as text and bank 😊 I am going to move the apps on my first screen now!

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I'm also a "grouper". I keep all my apps organized into about ten folders that are each labeled. Makes it all feel a bit more organized πŸ‘ŒπŸ» Glad to hear this has been helpful for you!

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Omg! A separate home screen with just the things I need to check first thing in the morning?!? 🀯 this is life-changing advice, thank you!!!

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The thing that has helped me the most over the years is to leave my phone in a different room, and not bring it on outings. That lets your brain relax in an even bigger way.

Love this convo and timely bc I’ve let FB creep back into my brainscape…even when I don’t have my phone on me. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

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I love the idea of thinking of my attention as a battery. It can so easily get depleted. I haven’t had notifications on my phone for the last year or so and that was a HUGE game changer for me too.

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I put my social media apps on a "pause" from 5-8. It's dinner time and crunchtime in our house and it keeps me from picking it up mindlessly and scrolling. I see that they are on a pause and am reminded that I should be present in my 3 demensional life.

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A designated pause is a great idea for people who aren't ready to completely remove notifications altogether! For the first few years we lived abroad I didn't have a phone number, so I mostly talked to everyone on IG or FB messenger and this would have been a *great* reminder for me back then! Thanks bunches!

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